Ski Vehicles for Transportation and Recreation
Sustainable World Wear
People know that man-made climate change is real and that it poses a great threat to the planet and its inhabitants. Current data suggests that we need to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions in developed countries by at least 80% by 2050 in order to have a chance of staying below an average temperature rise of over 2ºC.
That said, when summer’s here, it’s time for the classic T-shirt to reappear. Put on a BANKSKI themed T-shirt and you will be making a powerful statement about living in a sustainable world, while riding your E-SKI, of course!
N.I.C.E. T-Shirts
Make a personal environmental statement with our N.I.C.E.-No Internal
Combustion Engines T-Shirts.
Look like you are in tune with the light-electric transportation movement in a BANKSKI T-shirt.
Saber Tooth
Advertise your favorite E-Ski model with this cool earthy olive green T-Shirt.